物理系學生會議:教科書編成《NSS Physics Insight - A Short Introduction to Special Relativity》
Talk:- NSS Physics Insight - A Short Introduction to Special Relativity
We have developed a textbook (NSS Physics Insight – A short introduction to Special Relativity) teaching Secondary Senior Form students Special Relativity. There are 6 major chapters about Special Relativity included, together with 4 supplementary chapters providing required mathematics skills, like limits and differentiation, integration, vectors and matrices, for students to tackle Special Relativity problems. Time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformation and the application of Spacetime diagrams are included in the textbook. We adopted the example-based approach in the textbook, that is, we provided examples for students to follow and some follow-up challenges for them to apply what they have learnt. To arouse interest of the readers, we also made use of comics and dialogues to exemplify the physics concepts and theories. Problem sets are available at the end of each chapter, in which students can test their understanding. It is notable that most of the problems in the textbook were originally designed, with extra features like problems are implemented based on novels, increasing difficulty of problems of similar situations. A full solution manual is also available for students to check their answers and steps. Supplementary notes and explanation are also provided in the manual.
時間:2017.05.20(六) 16:00 ~ 16:15
地點:香港中文大學 科學館LT4
講者:Li Ka Yue Alvin 及 Pang Yiu Yung