2016.09.12(Mon) 20:00 ~ 20:30 (Eng) CH84 Pearl
2016.09.13(Tue) 03:45 ~ 04:15 (Eng) CH84 Pearl
2016.09.18(Sun) 19:00 ~ 19:30 (Chi) CH81 Jade
The Shaw Prize was first awarded in 2004. It has 3 categories: Astronomy, Life Science & Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences. In 2016 the astronomy award is shared by Physics Professors Rainer Weiss of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever of the California Institute of Technology. They conceived and designed the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory or LIGO in the United States, opening a new, remarkable window in astronomy.
It cost US$1.1 billion to build over 40 years. It was only last Sept. that LIGO detected, for the first time, a gravitational wave and decoded its origin was more than a billion years ago. A pair of black holes 29 and 36 times the weight of the sun had been circling each other for eons before merging into one. The cataclysmic event unleashed energy equivalent to 3 suns being annihilated, in a rippling wave in the fabric of space and time.
此活動由TVB Pearl主辦。