
Gordon Research Seminar: New Tools for the Next Generation of Particle Physics and Cosmology 
The Gordon Research Seminar on Particle Physics is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.

This meeting will cover the current status of theoretical and experimental aspects of open questions in particle physics, with a focus on the upcoming developments in Asia and around the world that will underpin future discoveries. With a broad array of experimental probes at hand, ranging from gravitational wave detectors to next generation high energy colliders, new revolutions in the understanding of the fundamental workings of the natural world are anticipated.

The meeting will be comprised of a few sessions of contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Posters should be contributed by the vast majority of graduate student and postdoc attendees. 
◎Outstanding Problems in Particle Physics and Motivation for Next Generation Experiments
時間:2019.06.29(六) 15:45~16:30
講者:Tao Han(University of Pittsburgh, USA)

◎New Directions in Dark Matter Phenomenology
●Searching for Dark Matter
時間:2019.06.29(六) 19:30~20:00
講者:Xiangdong Ji(中國上海交通大學)
●The Physics of Mirror Stars
時間:2019.06.29(六) 20:00~20:30
講者:Jack Setford(University of Toronto, Canada)
●Emergent Dark Matter in Late Time Universe on Holographic Screen
時間:2019.06.29(六) 20:30~21:00
講者:Yun-Long Zhang(日本京都大學基礎物理學研究所)
●Non-Thermal Production of Bosonic Dark Matter
時間:2019.06.29(六) 21:00~21:30
講者:Raymond Co(University of Michigan, USA)

地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 香港科技大學賽馬會高等研究院


此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。

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