Seminar:- Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on International Space Station
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS) is a unique high precision magnetic spectrometer in space. The project is led by Professor Samuel TING Chao Chung 丁肇中 教授, Nobel Laureate, and collaboration with about 60 institutes from 16 countries. AMS is designed to detect charged cosmic ray particles for studying dark matter, anti-matter and other unknown phenomena. Facing to extreme space environment, there were a lot of challenges in design, production, integration and operations. AMS has been successfully running in space for ~13 years. Up to now, AMS recorded ~230 billion cosmic ray events and published some important results.
時間:2023.04.16(二) 15:00
地點:香港城市大學 楊建文學術樓* Y5-302
講者:Prof. Cai Xu-Dong 蔡旭东 教授 (Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US)
*Yeung Kin Man Academic Building