
The Shaw Prize Lecture in Astronomy 2023: The Discovery and Significance of Fast Radio Bursts

Fast Radio Bursts are extremely energetic, radio pulses lasting only thousandths of a second that originate far beyond the Milky Way. The speakers will discuss the technological breakthroughs that advanced our understanding of the time-varying radio sky over the last 50 years, and culminated in our discovery of this new class of astrophysical sources in 2007. The first Fast Radio Burst was extremely controversial, as it was a trillion times more luminous than any previously known radio flash observed from the sky, and for many years the sole example. The speakers will then describe the remarkable growth in the numbers and diversity of these objects once new instrumentation came online in the 2010’s and started detecting them routinely, and the most promising theories regarding their nature. The speakers will also explain how fast radio bursts allow us to count the number of electrons in the Universe, which has profound implications for our understanding of its origin. Finally, the speakers look ahead to the next decade of this field as new and more powerful telescopes come online.

時間:2023.11.13(一) 15:00~17:00
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 佳兆業集團演講廳(Kaisa Group Lecture Theater / IAS LT)
  ●Prof. Matthew BAILES (Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery)
  ●Prof. Duncan LORIMER (Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Associate Dean for Research at Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University)
  ●Prof. Maura MCLAUGHLIN (Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Director of the Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology at West Virginia University)





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