《來自黑洞團的引力波 暨 快速射電暴的神秘謎題》學院傑出講座

Faculty Distinguished Lectures from Shaw Laureates:- Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Clusters & The Mysterious Puzzle of Fast Radio Burst

時間:2023.11.15(三) 14:30
地點:香港大學 百周年校園 賽馬會教學樓中心平台 一樓1.24室*

◎Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Clusters
It is proposed that top heavy star clusters form in the nuclei of newly-formed galaxies and that these evolve to develop cores of stellar black holes. These cores collapse further under the influence of two body relaxation and radiative binary capture. A population of hard, black hole binaries, with increasing mass, evolves and should contribute to the observed binary merger events. In addition it is suggested that the cluster rotates and develops non-axisymmetric instability which can be responsible for coherent gravitational radiation in the nHz band, as recently reported. The evolution will end with the formation of a massive black hole binary followed by its merger to leave a single supermassive black hole, ready to accrete gas and form a quasar. Observable implications of this scenario will be discussed.

講者:Prof. Roger Blandford (Stanford University)

◎The Mysterious Puzzle of Fast Radio Burst by Prof. Victoria Kaspi
Fast Radio Bursts are a new astrophysical puzzle consisting of few-millisecond bursts of radio waves coming from cosmological distances. The speaker summarized what is known about the Fast Radio Burst(FRB) phenomenon, how they can be used as novel probes of the Universe’s Large Scale Structure, and how the novel Canadian radio telescope Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment(CHIME) is making significant progress in the field.

講者:Prof. Victoria Kaspi (McGill University)



*CPD-1.24, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong



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