《恆星形成 – 最先進的技術和香港中文大學的方法取向》研討會

Seminar:- Star Formation - The state of the art and CUHK approach

The mystery of star formation continues to deepen as research advancements lead to more open questions. For example, why can only a small fraction of galactic mass be converted to stars? Why do newly born stellar clusters share an almost universal mass spectrum? As we remain far from the entire picture, the speaker will first review some puzzle pieces collected from the stellar nursery (molecular clouds) -- supersonic turbulence, ordered magnetic fields, and a power-law relationship between magnetic-field(B-field) strength and cloud density. Following that, recent efforts to put these pieces together using magnetohydrodynamic simulations will be presented, resolving a decades-old conundrum about the fragmentation of magnetized clouds. Motivated by the above observations and simulations, HongKong University(HKU) and Chinese University of HongKong(CUHK) are building a magnetic-field camera to be installed on the Greenland Telescope. The talk will end with a brief introduction to ROGer(Remote Observing from Greenland).

時間:2023.06.20(二) 09:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Prof. LI HuaBai 李華白 教授 (香港中文大學)





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