
Seminar:- Towards the Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment

The Hyper-Kamiokande(HK) experiment will be the largest underground water Cherenkov detector for the study of neutrino oscillations, nucleon decays, and astrophysical neutrinos. With the beginning of data taking planned in 2027, The speaker and his team are finalizing the detector design and conducting R&D to improve the physics potential. He will talk about the history, physics and status of the HK project, and his work on the detector calibration.

時間:2023.05.08(一) 14:30~15:15
地點:香港中文大學 科學館L2演講室
講者:Dr. TSUI Ka Ming 徐嘉明 博士 (日本 東京大学 カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構)



日本 東京大学 カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構 ◎ Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo, Japan



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