
Spring 2021 Virtual Physics Colloquium:- Supermassive Black Holes and Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves

Supermassive black holes are a fundamental component of galaxies. Residing at the centers of galaxies, these black holes have masses up to tens of billion suns and directly impact the evolution of their host galaxies. Professor Ma will describe recent progress in discovering new populations of massive black holes, and the implications for the theoretical understanding of the symbiotic relationships between black holes and galaxies. She will discuss the prospects for detecting low-frequency gravitational waves from merging binaries of supermassive black holes in the next decade.

時間:2021.03.24(三) 10:00~11:00
頻道:Zoom ID: 999-7304-6894←2859
講者: Prof. Chung-Pei Ma(University of California, Berkeley)





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