

Lecture:- The Future Space Exploration Missions of Russia

Currently Russia together with the European Space Agency, is working on the EXOMARS program which is devoted to the search for extinct (or even present) primitive life on Mars. This activity was motivated both by earlier findings of a significant amount of subsurface water in certain Martian regions and the recent discovery of the methane eruptions to the Martian atmosphere. The Russian Lunar program includes several landers (LUNA-25, LUNA-27 and LUNA-28) to explore the south polar regions of the Moon with their permafrost deposits, and one orbiter (LUNA-26) to investigate space plasma in the Lunar vicinity. The main scientific tasks of the Lunar program will be the study of mineralogical, chemical, elemental and isotopic content of the regolith and search for volatiles in the regolith of the polar areas; investigation plasma, neutral and dust exosphere and interaction of the space environment with Lunar surface at the poles. The inner structure of the Moon will be also studied by seismic, radio and laser ranging methods. 
時間:2017.05.26(五) 15:00 ~ 17:00
地點:香港理工大學 李嘉誠樓M1603
講者:Prof. Lev Zelenyi (Vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Academician), Director of Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)



此活動由香港理工大學 工業及系統工程學系主辦。

The Future Space Exploration Missions of Russia

時間:2017.05.26(五) 15:00 ~ 17:00
地點:香港理工大學 M1603
講者:Prof. Lev Zelenyi

Currently Russia together with the European Space Agency, is working on the EXOMARS program which is devoted to the search for extinct (or even present) primitive life on Mars. This activity was motivated both by earlier findings of a significant amount of subsurface water in certain Martian regions and the recent discovery of the methane eruptions to the Martian atmosphere. The Russian Lunar program includes several landers (LUNA-25, LUNA-27 and LUNA-28) to explore the south polar regions of the Moon with their permafrost deposits, and one orbiter (LUNA-26) to investigate space plasma in the Lunar vicinity. The main scientific tasks of the Lunar program will ba the study of mineralogical, chemical, elemental and isotopic content of the regolith and search for volatiles in the regolith of the polar areas; investigation plasma, neutral and dust exosphere and interaction of the space environment with Lunar surface at the poles. The inner structure of the Moon will be also studied by seismic, radio and laser ranging methods.

此活動由香港天文學會 理論天文組主辦。

天文學入門 (理論課)


時間:2017.05.26(五) 19:00 ~ 22:00
時間:2017.06.09(五) 19:00 ~ 22:00
時間:2017.06.16(五) 19:00 ~ 22:00
時間:2017.06.23(五) 19:00 ~ 22:00
時間:2017.06.30(五) 19:00 ~ 22:00
地點:土瓜灣 馬頭涌50號 工人俱樂部






Seminar:- The Use of Neural Network Techniques in Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy with HAWC

The High Altitude Water-Cherenkov (HAWC) telescope is atypical in that it is able to detect high-energy particles (from 100 GeV to 100 TeV). HAWC is operating at 4,100 meters above level sea on the slopes of the Sierra Negra Volcano, Mexico and covers an area of 22,000sq.m. It works almost continuously (duty cycle > 90%) and observes ~2/3 of the sky every day. With a year and half of HAWC data, a sky map has resulted in the detection of ~40 sources, including the Crab nebula, Markarian 421 and Markarian 501. Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of the events that arrive at the Earth, are triggered by cosmic rays; background noise suppression plays an important role in the data process. Thus, neural networks can be used for improving the separation between gamma rays and cosmic rays and get a better sensitivity. Finally, the speaker will discuss a new extension of the HAWC detector, known as outriggers. These additional detectors are in the process of being installed around the HAWC array and should also lead to an improvement in sensitivity of the instrument. 
時間:2017.05.26(五) 14:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Tomás Capistrán Rojas (INAOE, Mexico)




The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey

Seminar:- KROSS – The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey

The speaker will present results from the KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS). Using the K-band Multi-object Spectrograph (KMOS) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), KROSS has gathered integral-field data for ~800 star-forming galaxies at a redshift z~1, when the universe was roughly half its current age and forming the bulk of its stars. KROSS aims to study the spatially-resolved dynamics, star formation properties and metallicities of those middle-aged galaxies. First, the speaker will quantify the dynamical state of the galaxies, thus constraining their likely mass growth mechanisms (e.g. mergers versus secular evolution), painting a picture of galaxies that are both gas-rich and highly turbulent. Second, he will describe the properties of the galaxies departing from the star formation main sequence, revealing that star formation in highly star-forming galaxies is also more concentrated and arises from lower metallicity gas. Third, he will present the observed and baryonic Tully-Fisher (luminosity – rotation velocity) relation, thus constraining the mass-to-light ratios and luminous+dark masses of the galaxies. Last, by degrading and analogously analysing integral-field data of hundreds of local galaxies from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral-field Spectrograph (SAMI) survey, the speaker will derive a comparison Tully-Fisher relation at z=0, thus constraining the luminous+dark mass growth of disk galaxies over the last 7 billions years. This unique comparison also highlights that the systematic effects associated with sample selection and analysis methods are as large as the effects expected from cosmological evolution, and thus that most other results can safely be ignored. 
時間:2017.05.25(三) 14:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Prof. Martin Bureau (University of Oxford)






●2017.05.25(四) 19:00 ~ 20:00
●2017.06.01(四) 19:00 ~ 20:00
●2017.06.08(四) 19:00 ~ 20:00
●2017.06.15(四) 19:00 ~ 20:00
●2017.06.22(四) 19:00 ~ 20:00

●2017.05.28(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.06.04(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.06.11(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.06.18(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.06.25(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.07.02(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30
●2017.07.23(日) 10:00 ~ 12:30 或 14:00 ~ 16:30

●黃隆 (坐井會資深會員)
●鄭家輝 (坐井會資深會員)
●黃永藍 (香港天文論壇版主)
導師:蔡建華 (坐井會資深會員)



2016-17年度天文課程 (中學天文課程)


時段:19:00 ~ 21:30

地點:荃灣荃錦公路101號 嗇色園可觀自然教育中心暨天文館

對象: 中四至中六級物理科學生


免費課程,惟不包括交通費,2016.10.03(一) 09:00起,參加者必須報名,2016.10.13(四) 13:00截止,抽籤選拔









三維觀測星系中分子氣體 – 從廣域動力學到超大質量黑洞

Seminar:- 3D Observations of Molecular Gas in Galaxies – From Global Dynamics to Supermassive Black Holes

The speaker will first briefly review the molecular gas content of early-type galaxies. He will show not only that they unexpectedly harbour much cold gas, but also that it is the best tracer of the circular velocity, thus allowing accurate spatially-resolved dynamical mass measurements in galaxies across the Hubble sequence. Second, the speaker will explore the use of molecular gas for studies of the Tully-Fisher (luminosity-rotational velocity) relation of galaxies to high redshifts. He will highlight the work done to establish local (z=0) benchmarks and will discuss the challenges posed by systematic effects when comparing nearby and distant galaxies. Third, he will demonstrate that CO can be used to easily and accurately measure the mass of the supermassive black holes lurking at galaxy centres. He will discuss substantial ongoing efforts to do this and present many spectacular new ALMA measurements, that open the way to literally hundreds of measurements across the Hubble sequence with a unique method. The speaker will also hint at how the same data allow to study the spatially-resolved properties of giant molecular cloud populations in non-local galaxies for the first time, providing a new tool to understand and contrast the star formation efficiency of galaxies on cloud scale. 
時間:2017.05.24(三) 14:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Prof. Martin Bureau (University of Oxford)




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