

SEMINAR of RPg Student:- First Application of Gravitational Lensing to Weigh a Supermassive Black Hole 
Our limited ability to determine the masses of central supermassive black holes (SMBHs) constrains our understanding of their growth over cosmic times. Direct and hence the most reliable measurements using stellar and gas dynamics are limited to distances up to the Virgo cluster. Here, we employ gravitational lensing to directly determine, for the first time, the mass of a SMBH at z=0.54, located in the BCG of the cluster MACS1149. One of the background galaxies multiply-lensed by this cluster is that of a highly magnified spiral galaxy at z=1.49. In the lensed image closest to the BCG, a feature in this galaxy is lensed across the critical curve of a central point mass. We deduce a mass for this SMBH of ~5×10^9Msolar, offset from the centre of the BCG by 3.8±0.8kpc . The mass of this SMBH is in rough accord with the local relationship between the masses of central SMBHs and their host galaxies. The offset of the SMBH from the centre of the BCG can be explained by the “rocket effect” due to the coalescence of two SMBHs about ~3×10^7yrs ago, imparting a kick with a velocity of 300km/s on the resulting SMBH. Our work demonstrates the potential of using gravitational lensing to study SMBHs at intermediate redshifts, especially when even deeper lensing images at higher angular resolutions become available. 
時間:2016.12.15(四) 14:15 
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓518室 
講者:Ms. Cuncheng CHEN (香港大學) 






相關流星群:雙子座流星雨 (GEM)


天頂每時出現率 ZHR:120 顆
速度:每秒 35公里(中速)

輻射點 (曆元 2000):
赤經 7.5時/112.3°赤緯 32.5°




今日是廣域紅外線巡天探測衞星(Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer 簡稱 WISE)於2009年12月14日發射升空。







第谷·布拉赫(Tycho Brahe,1546年12月14日-1601年10月24日),丹麥貴族,天文學家兼占星術士和煉金術士。他最著名的助手是刻卜勒。


1577年一顆巨大彗星在丹麥上空,第谷首次將彗星視為獨立天體進行了觀測。第谷通過對彗星視動研究認為,彗星軌道不可能是完美圓周形,必然是被拉長的,且由視差判斷該彗星與地球距離比地月距離更遠。這是對亞里士多德天空完美無缺輪的沉重打擊,後者曾堅持認為運動不定的彗星不能與其他天體的永恆性、規律性相一致,堅持彗星是一種大氣現象。 1583年第谷出版《論彗星》一書,提出一種介於地心說與日心說之間的理論,認為地球作為靜止的中心,太陽圍繞地球作圓周運動,而除地球之外的其他行星圍繞太陽作圓周運動。 刻卜勒多次嘗試令第谷接受日心說,但不成功。第谷相信他的第谷系統,中國明朝使用了主要依據第谷的觀測結果而編制的時憲曆。由於相同的原因,他認為1572年出現的超新星不近地球。其論據為若地球一直在移動,天上的恆星應該會轉換位置,但第谷觀測不到這點。

1572年11月11日,第谷觀察到一顆非常明亮的星星突然出現了在仙后座。因為自古人們就認為月球軌道以外的天體永不改變(亞里士多德學派世界觀中的基礎公理是天體不變),其他觀察者都認為該現象是因為大氣層中有點東西。可是第谷發現該物件的視差夜夜不變,便提出另一個說法,該物件距離地球頗遠。第谷認為近距離的物件應會轉移其位置。他出版了De Stella Nova(《新星》,1573年),決定了「nova」這個字作為「新」星的名字。(後來發現這顆星乃是超新星,現在稱為第谷超新星。)這個發現令第谷決定朝向天文發展。


觀星節目巡禮2017 – 天文初探黃昏營 (抽籤選拔)


時間:2017.01.07(六) 16:00 ~ 22:30





SEMINAR:- Open String Moduli and Multi-branched Potentials 
In this talk we consider type II string compactifications on Calabi-Yau orientifolds with fluxes and D-branes and analyse the F-term scalar potential that simultaneously involves closed and open string modes. We focus on the cases of type IIA orientifolds with D6-branes and type IIB orientifolds with D7-branes. In type IIA models with D6-branes this potential can be directly computed by integrating out Minkowski three-forms showing therefore a multi-branched structure along the space of lifted open string moduli in which discrete shifts of brane moduli are compensated by changes in the RR flux quanta. To obtain the correct form of the scalar potential we find strong constraints on the Kähler potential implying some interesting no-scale relations obeyed by the Kähler metric. Importantly the addition of open string moduli breaks the factorisation between complex structure and Kähler moduli spaces. We conclude by discussing the mirror dual picture of type IIB flux compactifications with D7-brane Wilson lines. 
時間:2016.12.13(二) 14:00 
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓2樓 高研院2042室 
講者:Dr Gianluca Zoccarato (香港科技大學高等研究院) 




SEMINAR:- On 3+1 Lorentzian Einstein Manifolds with One Rotational Isometry 
Differentiable manifolds whose Ricci curvature is proportional to the metric are called Einstein manifolds. Such manifolds have been central objects of study in differential geometry and Einstein's theory for general relativity, with some strong recent results. 
In this talk, the speaker shall focus on positively curved 3+1 Lorentzian Einstein manifolds with one spacelike rotational isometry. After performing the dimensional reduction to a 2+1 dimensional Einstein’s equations coupled to ‘shifted’ wave maps, the speaker shall prove two explicit positive mass theorems: i) for CMC slices in expanding region, and ii) for maximal slices in stationary region. 
時間:2016.12.13(二) 15:00 ~ 16:30 
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓4樓 高研院4042室 
講者:Dr Nishanth Gudapati (Yale University) 




SEMINAR:- The High Altitude Water Cherenkov TeV Gamma Ray Observatory in Mexico 
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory is a unique water Cherenkov detector, studying the universe through gamma rays in an energy range from 100 GeV to 100 TeV. HAWC was constructed on Sierra Negra, Puebla, México, at 4100 meters above sea level. It began full operation at the end of March 2015, and it is expected to be ~ 15 times more sensitive (crab) than its predecessor, the MILAGRO observatory. HAWC consists of 300 water Cherenkov detectors, covering an area of 22,000 square meters, each consisting of a corrugated metallic cylindrical structure (7 meters in diameter and 4.5 high) bracing a bladder with 180,000 liters of ultra clean water and 4 photomultiplier tubes on its interior to detect the Cherenkov radiation produced by charged particles from extended air showers. With an instantaneous field-of-view of ~2 str, equivalent to 15% of the whole sky and continuous operation (24 hours per day). 
HAWC with a better Gamma/Hadron rejection method than other similar experiments, is an ideal survey instrument with a big synergy with other observatories like AUGER, IceCube, and Air Cherenkov Detectors (IACTs). In this contribution I will present an overview of the HAWC experiment highlighting the Galactic plane results, including a presentation of a new detailed sky map with unprecedented information on detected gamma ray sources, discovery of new gamma ray sources, a flare detected from MRK 501, as well as its upgrading by installation of "outriggers". 
時間:2016.12.13(二) 12:00 
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室 
講者:Dr. Eduardo DE LA FUENTE ACOSTA (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico Laboratorio Nacional Conacyt HAWC) 



上圖:高海拔水媒兆級電子伏特伽馬射線天文台 hawc-observatory.org


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