Webinar “Instability and gravitational waves in axion inflation with strong backreaction from gauge modes” 2024-01-23 The speaker will talk about a model in which an inflaton, through an axionic… 繼續閱讀
《秤量宇宙最亮的黑洞》會議 2024-01-23 時間:2024.01.23(二) 19:00~20:15 地點:香港理工大學 QR513室 講者:Samuel Lai 賴民希 (澳洲國立大學… 繼續閱讀
《引力波- 大爆炸以來最大爆炸的迴響》高等研究院傑出講座 2024-01-23 IAS program on High Energy Physics- IAS Distinguished Lecture: Gravitational… 繼續閱讀
《玻色子星的寬雙星蒸發》會議 2024-01-23 IAS program on High Energy Physics: Wide Binary Evaporation by Bosonic… 繼續閱讀