The 19th century poet Alfred Lord Tennyson once described, in his poem Locksley Hall, the rising Pleiades:"Many a night I saw the Pleiades, rising thro' the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fireflies tangled in a silver braid."
In the clear and unpolluted night skies of antiquity, the Pleiades star cluster was an object of wonder and the subject of legend in almost every culture on the planet. The time up today, we still gravitate towards the ethereal beauty of the legend. Please come and join us, chase after the ethereal beauty and have an unforgettable experience under the ineffable starry night.
●2016.12.16(五) 18:00 ~ 21:00
●2016.12.18(日) 13:00 ~ 17:00
日期:2016.12.23(五) ~ 2016.12.24(六)
地點:長洲明輝路6號 救世軍白普理營