神岡重力波探測器 重力波天文學

IAS Program on Particle Theory:- Gravitational Wave Astronomy with KAmioka GRAvitational wave detector, large-scale cryogenic gravitational wave(KAGRA)

A completely new astronomy, gravitational wave astronomy, has been born recently. With gravitational waves, we would like to unveil the secrets of the Universe such as blackholes and neutron stars. In this lecture, the speaker would like to discuss the gravitational wave detectors and the science to be carried out by these detectors. In particular, the speaker would like to discuss the KAGRA project.

時間:2025.01.16(四) 16:00~17:30
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 佳兆業集團演講廳*
講者:Prof. Takaaki KAJITA 梶田隆章 教授 (東京大学 宇宙線研究所 特聘教授;2015 Nobel物理學獎 得主***)



*Kaisa Group Lecture Theater (IAS LT), Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus
**Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo
***Nobel Laureate in Physics in 2015

此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。


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