
Spring 2025 Physics Colloquium:- From the Outskirt of the Brightest Galaxies to Mapping the Darkest Universe

Modern imaging surveys such as Euclid, Vera Rubin’s Large Synoptic Survey Telescope(LSST), and China Space Station Telescope(CSST) will revolutionize our understanding of the Universe’s bright and dark sides with deep imaging data and unprecedented weak gravitational lensing capabilities. In the last two decades, such a combination has demonstrated enormous potential to help us understand the physical connection between the galaxies and their dark matter halos. For example, the speaker will introduce his research using data from the Subaru Telescope’s primary focus camera - Hyper Suprime-Cam(HSC) - to understand the assembly of the most massive galaxies in the Universe. His collaborators and him illustrate the intriguing connection between the extended, low-surface brightness stellar halo of low-redshift massive galaxies and the properties of their dark matter halos and will discuss its implication in cosmology. Meanwhile, a more precise picture of galaxy-halo connection and cosmology model heavily rely on their 3-D map of the Universe from large spectroscopic surveys. He will introduce the 6.5-m MUltiplexed Survey Telescope(MUST) - an ambitious Stage-V facility to conduct the next-generation cosmological redshift surveys to probe the high-redshift Universe and help us explore the primordial physics. He will briefly introduce the current engineering progress, the development of their international collaboration, the design of the instruments, and the preliminary cosmological forecast.

時間:2025.02.05(三) 17:00
地點:香港大學 本部校園 明華綜合大樓* MWT4, 1/F
講者:Prof. Song HUANG 黄崧 教授 (中国 清华大学**)



*MWT4, 1/F, Meng Wah Complex, Main Campus, HKU
**Tsinghua University



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