Seminar:- Latest Status and Physics Potential with the JUNO Experiment
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory(JUNO 江门中微子实验) is a multipurpose neutrino observatory in China, with the construction of its detector complex recently completed and liquid filling now underway. The JUNO detector features a 20kTon liquid scintillator target monitored by approximately 18,000 20-inch PhotoMultiplier Tubes(PMTs) and around 26,000 3-inch PMTs. Strategically located 53km from the Taishan(台山) and Yangjiang(阳江) Nuclear Power Plants, this detector aims to primarily determine the neutrino mass ordering and to accurately measure various oscillation parameters. In this talk, The speaker will provide an introduction to the detector’s design and construction status, followed by a discussion on the experiment’s potential for studying reactor neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, solar neutrinos, and astrophysical neutrinos.
時間:2025.01.10(五) 15:00~16:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館* L3演講室
講者:Dr. LI Yu-Feng 李玉鋒 博士 (中國科學院 高能物理研究所**)
*Science Centre
**Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences