《太空碎片對人類近地軌道開發的威脅》太空可持續性 講座系列



時間:2024.12.04(三) 19:00~20:30
地點:香港太空館 演講廳
講者:Prof. Quentin A. Parker (香港大學太空研究實驗室總監*)



*Director of Laboratory for Space Research, University of Hong Kong


“Space Sustainability” Lecture Series

The increasing number of man-made objects in space is making the problem of space junk more critical. A large number of debris pieces are orbiting in Low Earth Orbit(LEO), posing serious threats to satellites, rockets and space stations. Exploring space sustainability ensures that all humanity can use outer space for peaceful purposes and socioeconomic benefit today and in the future. This requires international cooperation, discussion, and agreements to maintain a safe and secure space environment.

This lecture series will introduce various aspects of space sustainability, including the scale and risks associated with space junk, along with innovative mitigation technologies. Speakers will also address the importance of data collection and sharing in enhancing space safety, the progress and challenges of international regulation in LEO, and the importance of public awareness in promoting space sustainability.

This lecture series is the public programme for the “Space Debris and Sustainability Conference” scheduled for 2 to 4 December 2024 at the Main Campus of The University of Hong Kong.



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