
JSI Workshops 2024~25:- The Two-Sphere Model: Unpacking the Foundations of Astronomy (JSI0105) 

Early astronomers imagined the Earth as the unmoving, fixed center of the Universe. This may seem silly to modern people, but the long-standing popularity of this model is due to its tremendous success despite its simplicity. The workshop will explore the power of this early model of the universe through interactive tools.

時間:2024.11.23(六) 09:00~17:30
導師:Dr. Timothy WOTHERSPOON (香港大學理學院)
對象:只限 中四~中六



Junior Science Institute (JSI) was introduced by the Faculty in 2009. It offers fun-filled science workshops and science-rich experiences to scientifically inclined senior secondary school students. A series of hands-on learning programmes have been designed for students to expose to different science disciplines. Through a variety of inspiring workshops, laboratory exercises, field trips, lectures and other interactive activities, participants are able to embark on a journey of science exploration.

此活動由香港大學理學院 初等科學學院主辦。


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