《激發未來可能性- 與邵逸夫獎得獎者對話》2024年度邵逸夫獎學生參與計畫

The Shaw Prize 2024 Student Engagement Programme: Inspiring Future Possibilities- A Conversation with The Shaw Laureates

It is a moderated conversation between Shaw Laureates – each has made groundbreaking contributions to such fields as Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences, and local high school students.

This student engagement programme is an extraordinary opportunity for young science enthusiasts to immerse themselves in scientific exploration and interact with world-class scientists in three different fields.

An exclusive conversation featuring these scientific visionaries and young minds promises to ignite curiosity, inspire excellence, and foster meaningful connections.

時間:2024.11.14(四) 09:30~11:45
地點:香港科學館 演講廳
對象:只限 中四至中六 學生





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