Seminar:- An ALMA Survey of Massive Star Forming Regions with Class II Methanol Masers
There are growing evidences suggesting that, similar to those in low-mass young stellar objects, luminosity burst phenomena also occur in massive star forming cores. Observationally, there are further very compelling evidences implying the association between Class II methanol maser flaring events and the luminosity burst in Massive Star Forming Regions(MSFRs). Such luminosity bursts are plausibly related to variable accretions events not only in low mass but also in high mass star formation processes as hinted by numerical radiation hydrodynamic simulations. While monitoring observations of the 6.7GHz Class II CH₃OH(Methanol) maser in MSFRs have been routinely conducted but there is a lack of a uniform database and coherent knowledge about their associated submillimeter continuum emission and molecular gas properties. With that in mind, the speaker will introduce a survey with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA) 12-m array and the Atacama Compact Array(ACA) in their operation Cycle 8 and 9 at Band 6 and Band 7, respectively, toward 169 massive star forming sites associated with 6.7GHz CH₃OH masers with the main 12-m array and the ACA, respectively.
時間:2024.07.25(四) 11:00~12:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北座 G26室
講者:Dr. LIU Sheng-Yuan 呂聖元 博士 (台灣中央研究院 天文及天文物理研究所*)
*Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Academia Sinica