《愛因斯坦的宇宙》暑期課程 (開課)

Einstein’s Universe (PHYS0001)

One of the pillars of modern theoretical physics is Einstein’s theory of relativity, which gives us a revolutionary idea to unify space and time into a single entity we now called spacetime. The theory not only leads to far-reaching applications from particle physics to astrophysics, but also in daily life such as global positioning systems and nuclear energy. This course aims to introduce Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity using a conceptual approach with elementary mathematics at the level of Hong Kong S.5 students or equivalent.

Topics covered will include:
  ●Physical foundations of special and general relativity;
  ●the concepts of spacetime interval, light cone and metric;
  ●experimental tests of relativity;
  ●black holes, gravitational waves and cosmology.

導師:Dr. LIN Lap-Ming 鍊立明 博士 (香港中文大學 物理系 高級講師)
對象:中五 或同等



此活動由香港中文大學 理學院主辦。


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