《追求無限- 李政道研究所的機遇》研討會

Seminar:- Quest for Infinity - Opportunities at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

As someone intimately involved in Tsung-Dao Lee Institute’s(TDLI*¹) development, the speaker is thrilled to share their journey and our 2035 Vision. Since 2016, TDLI, nestled within Shanghai Jiao Tong University*², has become a pivotal research center in theoretical and experimental physics. Their focus centers on unraveling the origins and evolution of matter at the very beginning of the universe, driving their pioneering projects.

TDLI boasts cutting-edge infrastructure in and beyond Shanghai. In Shanghai, they operate the Laboratory Astrophysics Platform, the Topological Material Platform, and a High-Performance Computing Platform. Across China, they are developing the Particle AND Astrophysical Xenon(PandaX) dark matter detector at the 2400m deep Jin Ping underground laboratory*³, TRopIcal DEep-sea Neutrino Telescope(TRIDENT)*⁴, and Jiao tong University Spectroscopic Telescope(JUST) in Qinghai*⁵ for exploring the dark universe. These facilities span Astronomy, Astrophysics, Condensed Matter, and Particle and Nuclear Physics to support their scientific exploration, offering compelling opportunities for students and researchers.

Aligned with their 2035 vision, TDLI nurtures a dynamic academic environment, offering competitive Tsung-Dao Lee PhD scholarship and Tsung-Dao Lee postdoctoral scholarship. With over 250 seminars, 20 workshops, and 6 academic schools in 2023, TDLI epitomizes the convergence of academic excellence and groundbreaking research. Come and learn about their quest for infinity, steeped in the spirit of LiSuo*⁶ culture(TDLI culture)!

時間:2024.06.07(五) 16:30~17:30
地點:香港科技大學 周德新講堂G*
講者:Prof. ZHANG Jie 张杰 教授 (中国科学院院士、中国物理学会理事長、上海交通大学 李政道研究所 所长暨讲席教授、前上海交通大学校长**)



*Chow Tak Sin Lecture Theatre (Lecture Theatre G), HKUST (Lifts 25-26)
 ●Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) Academician
 ●President of the Chinese Physical Society
 ●Chair Professor and Director of TDLI, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
 ●Former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

*³中国锦屏 极深地下暗物质实验室
*⁵青海省冷湖 交通大学光谱望远镜
*⁶李所 lǐ suǒ



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