
The 15th Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves & Terahertz(GSMM)

◎Session: Terahertz Sciences and Technologies
時間:2024.05.22(三) 13:50~16:30
地點:香港城市大學 楊建文學術樓* 陳其鑣演講廳**LT-6

❶High-Sensitivity Superconducting Detectors for Terahertz Astronomical Applications
講者:LI Jing

❷The Leighton Chajnantor Telescope(LCT) Technologies and its Current Status
講者:LIU Feng, CAO Duo, ZHANG Yi, SHI Wang-Zhou, SHU Cheng-Gang

❸ROGer - a New Method for Measuring Celestial THz Polarizations
講者:LI Hua-Bai, HUANG Jun-Kun, LYU Wei-Tao, SUN Jia-Lin

❹Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector Readout with Reflection
講者:HU Jie, Faouzi Boussaha, Maria Appavou, Paul Nicaise, Christine Chaumont, Michel Piat, Piercarlo Bonifacio

❺15:30-15:50 [S24-5] Fabrication and Characterization of Ti-Based Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor Arrays at Millimeter Waves
講者:WANG Zheng, Zhi Qiang, ZHANG Wen, MIAO Wei, ZHONG Jia-Qiang, LI Jing, SHI Sheng-Cai

❻The Greenland Telescope, Black Hole Shadow, and Photon Ring
講者:CHEN Ming-Tang

❼The Possibility of Doing Terahertz Astronomy Observation in the Local Sky of Hong Kong
  ●LEUNG Chun-Sing 梁振聲
  ●Simon LEE Chak-Man 李澤民
  ●Eddie NG Kwok-Wai 吳國偉
  ●HO Wing-Leung 何永良
  ●Neville LAW Man-Fai 羅文輝

◎Session: Advanced Technologies and Processes Empowered Antennas for SATELLITE Applications
時間:2024.05.22(三) 13:50~15:50
地點:香港城市大學 楊建文學術樓* 田家炳演講廳***LT-1
❶Accurate and Efficient Computation for Irregular Reflectarray Antenna
❷A 3D-Printed Millimetre-Wave Ultra-Compact Broadband Coupler With Quadrature Phase for BeamForming Antennas
❸A Wideband Terahertz Microstrip Patch Antenna Array Using Hollow Waveguide Feeding Network
❹Wide Beamwidth Multi-Band Circularly Polarized Quadrifilar Helix Antenna With Multi-Coil Arms
❺A Wideband Millimeter-Wave Circularly Polarized Lens Antenna Using 3-D Printing Technology
❻A 17.7-21.2 GHz Antenna Element for SATCOM Phased-Array Receiver



*Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
**Chan Kei Biu Lecture Theatre (LT-6)
***Tin Ka Ping Lecture Theatre (LT-1)

The Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves & Terahertz(GSMM) is an annual forum for researchers, engineers and practitioners to present and discuss recent breakthroughs, innovations and emerging techniques in field of millimeter-wave and terahertz sensing and communications. GSMM2024 is the continuation of a series of annual global millimeter-wave and terahertz symposiums held in
●2008 1st- Nanjing, China 中国 南京;
●2009 2nd- Sendai, Japan 日本 仙台;
●2010 3rd- Seoul, South Korea 韓國 首爾;
●2011 4th- Espoo, Finland;
●2012 5th- Harbin, China 中国 哈尔滨;
●2013 6th- Sendai, Japan 日本 仙台;
●2014 7th- Seoul, South Korea 韓國 首爾;
●2015 8th- Montréal, Canada;
●2016 9th- Espoo, Finland;
●2017 10th- Hong Kong, China 中國 香港;
●2018 11th- Boulder, Colorado USA;
●2019 12th- Sendai, Japan 日本 仙台;
●2021 13th- Nanjing, China 中国 南京;
●2022 14th- Seoul, Korea 韓國 首爾;
●2024 15th- Hong Kong, China 中國 香港

The symposium is organized by the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves, City University of Hong Kong,
technically sponsored by IEEE MTT-S & IEEE Hong Kong AP/MTT Joint Chapter.



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