Spring 2024 Physics Colloquium:- Unraveling the Origins of Elements: Bridging Nuclear Theory with Machine Learning
Understanding the origin of elements in the universe stands as one of the paramount scientific questions. In particular, the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements spanning from iron to uranium entails thousands of highly neutron-rich isotopes, surpassing current experimental capabilities for direct measurements. Consequently, the systematic and self-consistent computation and prediction of the physical properties of neutron-rich isotopes have emerged as crucial frontiers in both nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics. In this colloquium, the speaker will discuss the theoretical investigations on nuclear mass and beta-decay half-lives, while exploring the potential roles and effectiveness of machine learning methodologies within this cutting-edge research domain.
時間:2024.03.06(三) 17:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓* LG1/F CYPP3
講者:Prof. LIANG Hao-Zhao 梁豪兆 教授 (日本 東京大学**)
*Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building
**The University of Tokyo