
LSGI Research Seminar:- Space Resources Exploitation and Utilization- A Geodetic Perspective

The exploration and utilization of space resources is a new wave of international interest driven by the concern of rapid depletion of energy and resources on the earth. The US Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act in 2015 was a tipping point for the accelerated process of new space competition. The primary purpose of extra-terrestrial mining is to search for valuable and rare minerals, elements and water from asteroids and minor planets that are close to the Earth. Geospatial science and technology, geodesy and remote sensing in particular, plays a critical role in this huge space mining systematic engineering endeavor, as is the case of surveying for large-scale engineering projects.

The current status of space mining from a geodetic perspective and the potential targets of space resource exploration are presented first. This includes the scope (definition) of space mining, where to mine (major targets) and what to be mined, distinguished features and top technical challenges, latest development and the perceived major milestone steps/roadmap of space resources exploitation and utilization, etc. This research argues that the combination of mining and geospatial technology is a “must” in the early stage of space endeavor of resource exploration and utilization. It is concluded that, based on the current level of scientific and technological development and the potential value of known space resources, mining the near-Earth asteroids as the first step is feasible and will be one of the major trends of space resource exploration and an important part of the space economy. The priorities of space mining that need urgent attention are identified, which include but not limited to space resource exploitation, space intelligent robots related design and manufacture, prospecting and mining of space resources, safety and in-situ utilization of space resources. Finally, the latest developments and recent achievements related to space mining at China University of Mining and Technology and China in general are introduced.

時間:2023.12.21(四) 16:00~17:00
地點:香港理工大學 Z座Z414室
講者:Prof. ZHANG Ke-Fei 张克非 教授 (Professor of China University of Mining and Technology*; Honorary Professor of RMIT University, Australia)




此活動由香港理工大學 土地測量及地理資訊學系主辦。


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