
Star-UBB Seminar Series:- Indirect Evidence for Dark Matter Density Spikes around Stellar-Mass Black Holes

It has been suggested for a long time that dark matter would form a density spike around a black hole. However, no promising evidence has been observed so far to verify this theoretical suggestion. In this talk, the speaker will report the existence of a dark matter density spike around each of the two nearby stellar-mass black holes (A0620-00 and XTE J1118+480). The dynamical friction between dark matter and the companion stars can satisfactorily explain the abnormally fast orbital decays in the two binaries. The calculated spike index for A0620-00 and XTE J1118+480 are 1.71 and 1.85 respectively, which are close to the lower regime predicted by the stellar heating model. It may provide a possible indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter density spikes around stellar-mass black holes. His team and he anticipate that analyzing observational data of nearby black hole X-ray binaries would be a new way to reveal the nature of dark matter.

時間:2023.10.12(四) 16:00~17:00
頻道:Zoom ID:853-7454-4159 ←
講者:Chan Man-Ho 陳文豪 (香港教育大學)


Scientific and Technological Advanced Research- Babeș-Bolyai University(Star-UBB) Seminar Series in Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics

Presently a period of rapid and intense change are being witnessed in our understanding of the gravitational force, at a rate that is quickly increasing since the important observational discoveries of the late 1990s. With the advent of new observational techniques, the emergence of important cosmological and astrophysical paradigms can be seen that lead to a deep change in our understanding of the Universe. Astronomical observations strongly suggest that at large scales the force of gravity may not behave according to standard general relativity, and that a generalization of the gravitational action, either at the geometric level, or at the matter level, may be required for a full understanding of the gravitational interaction.

The goal of the present seminar is to bring Theoretical Gravitational Physics closer to the observations and experiments, and to discuss current topics in general relativity, high-energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology.



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