《天體黑洞- 快速移動的領域》會議暨工作坊- 開幕演講

Theoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holes have been in rapid development in recent decades. This conference will present major breakthroughs and key remaining questions concerning our fundamental understanding of astrophysical black holes, such as the formation and collimation of relativistic jets, the accretion and growth of black holes, the measurement of black hole spin, the merger of black holes, the first images of black hole shadow, the particle acceleration mechanisms and transient phenomena around black holes, and the feedback from massive black holes to galaxies.

◎Astrophysical Black Holes — Some Attractive, Powerful, Illuminating and Exciting Questions
In this introductory talk, the speaker will rehearse some of the astrophysical questions that have been posed by recent observations of massive and stellar black holes, paying special attention to “frontier” science associated with mm VLBI, gravitational radiation, VHE gamma rays and neutrinos, UHE cosmic rays and in the time domain. Future opportunities using new facilities, including JWST, will be previewed.

時間:2023.06.23(三) 10:00~10:40
地點:香港大學 百週年校園 CPD 3.04 Centennial Campus
講者:Prof. Roger Blandford (Stanford University)

是會議作坊,參加者必須登記,2023.04.30 截止




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