Observational Astrophysics (JSI0093)
In this workshop student will learn about new discoveries in astronomy and gain hands-on experience in operating small telescopes. If weather permits, we will observe the Sun using the 16-inch telescope in the Department of Physics.
時間:2023.03.25(六) 09:00~16:30
導師:吳志勇 博士 Dr. Stephen NG(香港大學物理系)
對象:只限 中四~中六
Junior Science Institute (JSI) was introduced by the Faculty in 2009. It offers fun-filled science workshops and science-rich experiences to scientifically inclined senior secondary school students. A series of hands-on learning programmes have been designed for students to expose to different science disciplines. Through a variety of inspiring workshops, laboratory exercises, field trips, lectures and other interactive activities, participants are able to embark on a journey of science exploration.
此活動由香港大學理學院 初等科學學院主辦。