
IAS Program on Particle Theory:- The Cosmological Bootstrap: Inflationary Correlators from Symmetries, Locality and Unitarity
Cosmological correlators are the fundamental observables of early universe cosmology. They are measured in the Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB) and the distribution of galaxies and contain the secrets of the first moments of the universe. They share many similarities to flat-space scattering amplitudes but are far more difficult to compute in practice due to the time-dependence of cosmological backgrounds. In this talk, the speaker will introduce the cosmological bootstrap which aims to compute these cosmological observables in more efficient ways compared to the traditional in-in formalism. He will discuss how symmetries, locality and unitarity constrain the structure of cosmological correlators and show how their form can be completely fixed by these physical principles without having to consider the complicated time evolution. He will illustrate these methods in the context of inflationary bispectra and the trispectrum of pure gravity in de Sitter space.

時間:2023.03.14(二) 14:00~15:00
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓4樓 高研院4042室
講者:Prof. David STEFANYSZYN (The University of Nottingham, UK)



此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。


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