Seminar:- Stochastic Quantization of General Relativity: Multiplicative Noise and Time-Intermittency at the Event Horizon
The speaker will present some recent results regarding the Stochastic Quantization(SQ) of General Relativity which leverages a stochastic process in order to recover the usual path-integral in the equilibrium limit. Hinging on the Ricci-flow, he and his team propose a new SQ formulation with multiplicative noise, yielding some non-trivial results:
(i) an emergent cosmological constant,
(ii) a non-vanishing Wheeler-DeWitt and a forced Navier-Stokes equation in ADM representation,
(iii) the KardarParisi-Zhang equation for a black hole metric, possibly yielding intermittent fluctuations.
Based on these assumptions the speaker will consider the possibility to constrain the theory from the multi-fractal analysis of the time sequences of gravitational waves signal from black-holes mergers.
時間:2023.02.10(五) 16:00~17:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館 L2演講室
講者:Prof. Matteo LULLI(中国 南方科技大学 力学与航空航天工程系)