Seminar:- Challenges and Opportunities from Gravitational Waves
The gravitational wave(GW) community has numerous exciting discoveries in the past 7 years, from the first detection to a catalog of ~80 GW events, containing all sorts of surprises such as binary neutron stars and neutron star-black hole mergers. In the coming decade, there will be nextgeneration facilities such as the third-generation GW detectors network and space-based GW observatory, that will provide many more surprising events.
時間:2022.11.11(五) 15:00~16:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北座G26室
講者:王宏基 博士 Dr. Kaze WONG Wang Kei(Center for Computational Astrophysics Flatiron Institute, USA)
There are quite a number of open modeling and data analysis problems in GW that await to be solved in order to unlock the full potential of next-generation detections. Despite the recent rapid development of machine learning and efforts trying to solve these problems in GW, it seems GW has a number of traits that make applying machine learning to GW difficult. In this talk, the speaker will discuss a number of challenges and opportunities in GW, and some insights from GW on how we should apply modern techniques such as machine learning to physical science in general.