
Wonders of The Moon

Blood moons, super moons and total eclipses. Explore a stunning medley of lunar delights from across the globe. Low light cameras reveal the moon in its natural light, in ways that have rarely been witnessed, and illustrate its extraordinary influence over our planet. Travel to the rich undersea world of the South Pacific, where the coral reefs breed in synch with the moon cycles; watch the total eclipse transform day to night across the United States; witness the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong, where the entire city falls under the moon’s spell.

時間:2021.09.19(日) 15:30~16:30
地點:香港太空館 演講廳



影片帶領觀眾到世界各地探究不同的月亮奇觀 ─ 血月、超級月亮和日全食。弱光攝影在天然光下呈現月球鮮為人見,最為真實的一面,以及月球如何影響地球。影片帶觀眾到南太平洋繽紛的海底世界,了解珊瑚礁如何隨着月亮的盈虧生長;在美國經歷日全食如何將白晝變成夜晚;攝製隊還來到香港與我們一起歡度中秋佳節,一同感受月亮的魅力。


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