太空影院《改變世界的革命性意念- 望遠鏡》

Revolutions: The Ideas that Changed the World- The Telescope

The telescope is the invention that allowed the greatest discovery in history - the Universe itself. Over the millennia, humans built ever more elaborate constructions aligned with the heavens, revealing our ancient fascination with the night sky. Although the heavens seem far away, telescopes allow us to study the countless celestial objects in the night sky. They make us understand why we are so fascinated by the Universe.

時間:2021.07.18(日) 14:30~15:30
地點:香港太空館 演講廳



The car. The airplane. The smar tphone. The rocket. The robot. The telescope. We take these devices for granted, yet each one is a pinnacle of human achievement. Among them, the telescope and rocket are the keys to astronomy and space exploration. They are the result of years of accidents, breakthroughs, insights and wonders. Each was born out of the distinctive human curiosity and spirit of exploration. 汽車、飛機、智能手機、火箭、機械人、望遠鏡,我們把這些工具視為理所當然。然而,這些發明都是人類成就的巔峰。當中望遠鏡及火箭與天文及太空探索息息相關,它們皆源自人類特有的好奇心及探索精神,再經過多年來的意外發現、突破、了解和奇跡才可誔生。

望遠鏡的發明,帶來歷史上最偉大的發現 ─ 宇宙。千百年來,人類一直為夜空着迷,他們煞費苦心,建造出精巧的建築,目的只為與天上星體的運行連結起來。雖然天上的世界看似遙不可及,但我們可以透過望遠鏡認識無數夜空中的天體,深深體會宇宙的迷人之處。


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