Aliens- The Big Think
You might think hunting for aliens is just science fiction. You would be wrong. It is a vibrant frontier of modern science, where fierce debates rage. In this programme, the Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, explores the limits of our understanding of the universe and our place in it. It is a journey that, for Martin, leads to an extraordinary conclusion. Our idea of what an alien will be is all wrong. It is not organic beings we should be looking for. It is machines.
時間:2021.07.18(日) 15:30~16:30
地點:香港太空館 演講廳
「尋找外星人」或許並非如你所想,只是科幻小說的情節。探索地外生命是當今科學前沿中一個爭論激烈的領域。皇家天文學家馬丁里斯帶領觀眾探討人類對宇宙認知的局限,以及我們在宇宙中的位置。他認為我們對外星人的構想大錯特錯 ─ 人類要尋找的不是有機生命體,而是機械。