講座系列:天文研究與發展2021.1- 外星人在哪裏呢?很遙遠,很遙遠!
時間:2021.07.11(日) 14:30~16:00
講者:曾耀博 博士 Dr Stuart Taylor(系外行星天文學家,香港觀天會學術顧問)
Where are Extraterrestrials? Far, Far Away!
The distances between stars are so vast and we have only surveyed a tiny piece of the Universe. Although the scientists finally found some “habitable” planets like the Earth and tried to detect life, we do not have the ability and technology to detect extraterrestrial intelligent species yet. However, before discussing where the extraterrestrial intelligent life will exist, we shall first understand what kind of planets are available in the Universe and how many of them are suitable for hosting life.