《木星與土星內部》.4 行星科學論壇

The 2019 Macau Forum for Planetary Sciences: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn- 講座及討論

The scientific aim of the meeting will be to review our current understanding of the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn, in the light of the new results from Juno and Cassini. We hope to bring those scientists working on models of giant planet interiors together with those gathering the new data. Issues to be considered will include giant planet magnetic fields: dynamo models: zonal flows and gravity fields: polar vortices: high pressure physics of giant planets: models of giant planet internal structure.

◎Thermal convection in rotationally distorted planets
時間:2019.11.28(四) 09:00~10:00
講者:Keke Zhang

◎Modelling Jupiter’s peculiar magnetic field
時間:2019.11.28(四) 10:00~11:00
講者:Johannes Wicht

◎Dynamo models of Jupiter and Saturn
時間:2019.11.28(四) 11:30~12:30
講者:Chris Jones

◎Characterizing Jupiter’s dynamo radius using its magnetic energy spectrum
時間:2019.11.28(四) 14:00~14:40
講者:Yue-Kin Tsang

◎Anelastic torsional oscillations in Jupiter’s metallic hydrogen interior
時間:2019.11.28(四) 14:40~15:20
講者:Kumiko Hori

◎Wave propagation and tidal dissipation in giant planets containing regions of layered semi-convection
時間:2019.11.28(四) 15:20~15:50
講者:Christina Pontin

◎Selection of the axial dipole in planetary dynamos
時間:2019.11.28(四) 16:50~17:30
講者:Binod Sreenivasan

◎The Next Step(Plenary Discussion)
時間:2019.11.28(四) 17:30~19:00



此活動由澳門科技大學 月球與行星科學國家重點實驗室主辦。

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