《木星與土星內部》.3 行星科學論壇

The 2019 Macau Forum for Planetary Sciences: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn- 講座

The scientific aim of the meeting will be to review our current understanding of the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn, in the light of the new results from Juno and Cassini. We hope to bring those scientists working on models of giant planet interiors together with those gathering the new data. Issues to be considered will include giant planet magnetic fields: dynamo models: zonal flows and gravity fields: polar vortices: high pressure physics of giant planets: models of giant planet internal structure.

◎Models for the Interiors and Winds of Saturn and Jupiter
時間:2019.11.27(三) 09:00~10:00
講者:Burkhard Militzer

◎Detection of Saturnian Convective Dynamo by Gravitational Sounding
時間:2019.11.27(三) 10:00~11:00
講者:Dali Kong

◎Strong field dynamos with no inertia
時間:2019.11.27(三) 11:30~12:05
講者:David Hughes

◎Eddy force functions: a gauge invariant way to encode turbulent eddy fluxes
時間:2019.11.27(三) 12:05~12:30
講者:Julian Mak

◎Long-lived Vortices in Deep Convection Zone(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 14:00~14:15
講者:Kwing Chan

◎A semi-implicit spectral method for simulating large-scale vortices in compressible flows(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 14:15~14:30
講者:Tao Cai

◎A tale of Gas Giant Planet Formation: new insights into Jupiter’s diluted core(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 14:30~14:45
講者:Shangfei Liu

◎The formation of super-Earths by Tidally forced Turbulence(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 14:45~15:00
講者:Cong Yu

◎Closed by Habitable Exoplanet Survey(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 15:00~15:15
講者:Jianghui Ji

◎Auroral diagnosis of solar wind interaction with Jupiter’s magnetosphere(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 15:45~16:00
講者:Zhonghua Yao

◎New technique to diagnose the planetary dipolar magnetic field based on the single circular current loop model(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 16:00~16:15
講者:Zhaojin Rong

◎Chinese Balloon-Borne Optical Remote Sensing Program for Planetary Sciences(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 16:15~16:30
講者:Fei He

◎How to build a Saturn-like dynamo model(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 16:30~16:45
講者:Chi Yan

◎Progress in the Construction of Planetary Science as the First-Level Discipline in China(short talk)
時間:2019.11.27(三) 16:45~17:00
講者:Yong Wei



此活動由澳門科技大學 月球與行星科學國家重點實驗室主辦。

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