Seminar:- Ground Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy in the Asian Region
The first successful gravitational wave detectors have identified a surprising population of heavy stellar mass black holes, and an even larger population of coalescing neutron stars. They have allowed the exciting future prospects for gravitational wave astronomy to be identified if additional detectors with higher sensitivity, broader bandwidth and better global coverage can be implemented. A future detector in the Asian region would provide exceptional benefits, especially if located in the southern hemisphere. After reviewing the recent discoveries, the speaker will discuss possible options and designs for future detectors including a detector designed to have the sensitivity needed to observe the post-coalescence signature of neutron star binaries.
時間:2019.08.19(一) 10:00~11:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北G26室
講者:Professor David BLAIR (Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Physics, the University of Western Australia)