Gordon Research Conference: New Tools for the Next Generation of Particle Physics and Cosmology
Over the next decade our community will develop and deploy a variety of instruments designed to explore and resolve mysteries of the physics that governs nature at the short distances of colliders and the long distances of the cosmos. The physics goals and opportunities afforded by these news tools are gradually coming into focus and this meeting will explore the landscape of new fundamental physics experiments with an emphasis on those under consideration for the Asian region.
◎Direct and Indirect Dark Matter Searches
●Theoretical Perspective on DM Searches
時間:2019.07.02(二) 09:00~09:40
講者:Hai-Bo Yu(University of California, Riverside, USA)
●The Future of Axion Searches
時間:2019.07.02(二) 09:40~10:15
講者:Gray Rybka(University of Washington, USA)
●Indirect Detection of Dark Matter
時間:2019.07.02(二) 10:45~11:20
講者:Fan Yi-Zhong(中國紫金山天文台)
●DM Searches with Liquid Xenon and Argon Detectors
時間:2019.07.02(二) 11:20~11:55
講者:Ning Zhou(中國上海交通大學)
●DM Searches with NaI Detectors
時間:2019.07.02(二) 11:55~12:30
講者:Hyunsu Lee(韓國基礎科學研究所地下物理中心)
◎Cosmic Rays
●Theoretic Study of CR Acceleration and Propagation
時間:2019.07.02(二) 16:00~16:40
講者:Huirong Yan(University of Potsdam/Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron(DESY), Germany)
●Direct Detection of Electron and Nuclei up to 1 PeV
時間:2019.07.02(二) 16:40~17:20
講者:Jin Chang(中國紫金山天文台)
●The Prospects of High Energy Astrophysics with LHAASO and Other Future Projects
時間:2019.07.02(二) 17:20~18:00
講者:Zhen Cao(中國科學院高能物理研究所)
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 香港科技大學賽馬會高等研究院
此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。