
Seminar:- Probe the Galactic Center Region Using Wavelets 

The structures and behavior of the spirals in the galactic center region are interesting. The spirals in the secondary disk(mini-disk) can be traced into the center of the galaxies or to form a starburst ring. Moreover, the matter flowing into the center to feed the black hole may be the matter losing angular moment due to the interaction of the bar and the disk in the center region. In this talk, we use the atrous wavelet technique to analyze the data from the Hubble telescope. On the other hand, the evolution of galactic center region by numerical simulation is adopted to use the spline wavelets whenever the simulation involves the self-gravitational force calculation. Therefore, various wavelet methods are applied on both observation and simulations.

時間:2019.07.30(二) 14:30~15:15
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北座G25室
講者:嚴健彰教授 Prof. Chien-Chang YEN(台灣天主教輔仁大學數學系)



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