Seminar:- Introduction to Stochastic Quantization
Stochastic Quantization is a universal method with a wide field of applications. In this talk, the speaker will give a thorough portrait of its present status and its evolution since the seminal work of G. PARISI and Y.S. Wu. The aim of this talk is to motivate the possible use for quantum gravity and early cosmology.
時間:2019.04.11(四) 12:30
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 高研院4042室
講者:Prof. Laurent BAULIEU(Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE), CNRS)
此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。