一個悖逆有因者- 行星狀星雲HuBi 1

Seminar:- The Planetary Nebula HuBi 1, a Rebel with a Cause 

Planetary nebulae, the descendants of low/intermediate-mass stars, have characteristic onion-like ionization structure, with the highest ionization species closer to the central star. This is true for all planetary nebulae, but HuBi 1, which shows an inverted ionization inner shell. There is a reason for this oddity, a peculiar stellar evolution of its central star, which makes HuBi 1 the missing link of the population of cool C-rich central stars of planetary nebulae. 
時間:2019.03.13(三) 16:45
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Dr. Martin Guerrero(Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC, National Research Council of Spain))



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