International Space Station
The International Space Station is the most expensive engineering project ever attempted, and the result is a masterpiece of modern ingenuity. This incredible vessel pushes the boundaries of space exploration and brings us closer to galactic colonization.
●2018.12.02(日) 18:00~19:00
●2018.12.03(一) 04:30~05:30 (重播)
頻道:TVB 無綫財經資訊台 CH085
在看似不可能的工程背後, 都有一群敢於創新的先鋒。節目每集會介紹一項偉大的現代工程, 由運河, 到船和太空船, 細看建造過程和怎樣取得成功。同時, 也會回顧過去, 看一群菁英工程師怎樣以創新技術, 令這一切變成現實。