
Seminar:- High-mass Star Formation: a Revised View of the Challenges 
The speaker will review the state-of-the-art questions in forming the highest mass stars; radiation pressure, fragmentation and feedback. Next, he will present new ALMA and VLT adaptive optics data of G333.6-0.2, the most luminous star-forming core of the Milk-way disk, and demonstrate the effects of fragmentation, feedback, radiation pressure. The intense UV radiation from young O-stars have been theorised to ionise its own accretion flow, which is discovered for the first time from our data. The speaker will conclude with an emerging view of high-mass star formation scenario from these and other ALMA observations. 
時間:2018.11.14(三) 15:30
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Dr. M. S. Nanda Kumar(Centro de Astrofísica, da Universidade de Porto)



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