Public Seminar of RPg Student:- Time Variability in Gravitational Lensing Magnification Produced by Granulation in Wave Dark Matter
This talk will focus on numerical N-body simulations of gravitational lensing phenomena, mainly time variability in the magnification of light, caused due to substructure in wave-dark matter models (Ψ-DM). Observations from telescopes show large numbers of unexplained light curves from astronomical objects, as well as complicated images from gravitational lens systems. A clear understanding of the dark matter model and its distribution would enable us to accurately predict the important parameters of these objects. This would also allow us to compare various dark matter models with wave dark-matter, such as the conventional cold dark matter (CDM) model, and thereby give a clearer insight into the nature of dark matter itself. The simulations were carried out using parallelization in high-performance computing infrastructures, due to the intensive computational requirements arising from the need for high-resolution N-body simulations.
時間:2018.05.04(五) 10:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓522室
講者:Alfred AMRUTH(香港大學)