宇宙大結構 – 一張太空蜘蛛網

Lecture series:- The Gravitus of Gravity and why matter matters 
Lecture :- The Structure of the Universe: A Cosmic Spider Web 
Astronomy is a fascinating subject studying all extraterrestrial objects and phenomena. In this public lecture series, some stunning astronomical phenomena including planetary nebulae, supernova explosions, black holes, neutron stars and cosmic web will be introduced. Participants will be amazed by the complexity and beautiful objects up above our sky. 
We live in the Milky Way Galaxy, around a star we call the Sun that is but one of several hundred billion stars in our galaxy. There are many billions of galaxies like our Milky Way Galaxy, and in total many trillions of galaxies, in the Universe. Astronomers have found that the arrangements of galaxies in the sky resemble beads strung along the threads of a spider web, a pattern named the Cosmic Web. This talk will show how astronomers measure the distribution of galaxies in the sky, and why a simple consideration of gravity on matter fluctuations in the early Universe produced the Cosmic Web.
時間:2018.04.18(三) 17:30 ~ 18:30
地點:香港大港 明華綜合大樓T5演講廳
講者:Dr. Jeremy Lim(香港大港物理系)



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