Another Chance to Put Your Name on Mars
When it lands on Mars in November of 2018, NASA's InSight lander will be carrying several science instruments - along with hundreds of thousands of names from members of the public.
In 2015, nearly 827,000 people signed up to add their names to a silicon microchip onboard the robotic spacecraft. NASA is now adding a second microchip, giving the public another chance to send their names to Mars.
New submissions will be accepted through Nov. 1, 2017
This fly-your-name opportunity comes with "frequent flier" points reflecting an individual's personal participation in NASA's exploration of Mars. These points span multiple missions and multiple decades. Participants who sent their names on the previous InSight opportunity in 2015 can download a "boarding pass" and see their "frequent flier" miles.
As part of this frequent flier program, a chip carrying the names of 1.38 million people also flew aboard the first flight of NASA's Orion spacecraft in 2014. NASA is building Orion to carry astronauts to deep space destinations that will enable future missions to Mars.
2017.11.01 23:59 UTC-5 北美東部時區 截止
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