
Seminar:- The Tai Chi in Star Formation

“Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.” said Imanuel Kant, and he thought “stars form from the gravitational collapse of large clouds of gas”. 250 years later, how much more than Kant do you know about star formation? Observers in the 20th century realized that, for example, only a few percents of the gas-cloud mass can collapse to form stars and the stellar masses of new-born stars follow an universal spectrum. At the same time, magnetic fields and turbulence were detected in gas clouds, which may regulate the gravitational collapse and help to explain the star formation efficiency and mass spectrum. Exactly what kind of roles are played by turbulence and magnetic fields remain the center of debate. The speaker will review the development of the 21st-century theory of star formation with an emphasis on the contribution from CUHK. 
時間:2017.10.06(五) 16:00 ~ 17:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館L2演講廳
講者:李華白 教授 Prof. Hua-bai LI (香港中文大學物理系)


#192 http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/events/seminar/17-10-06.pdf



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