
Seminar:- Cosmic Discordance and Interacting Dark Matter and Radiation

Precision cosmological measurements, especially measurements of the CMB from Planck, have allowed a determination of the basic ingredients (energy densities) of the universe at per-cent level precision. The overall picture strongly supports the so-called concordance model with cold dark matter and dark energy. However, with the increase in precision also came some tension in the data. Direct measurements of the expansion rate of the universe today, H_0, and measurements of the matter power spectrum, sigma_8, each disagree with predictions of the concordance model at 2-3 standard deviations. The speaker reviews the experimental situation and proposes and describes a model in which dark matter interacts with dark radiation which can resolve both discrepancies. 
時間:2017.06.13(二) 14:00
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓4樓 高研院4042室
講者:Prof Martin Schmaltz (Boston University)



此活動由香港科技大學 賽馬會高等研究院主辦。


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