Talk:- The Link between Magnetic-Field Orientations and Star Formation Rates
Star formation rates (SFR) is a key component in modern star-formation models, which mainly involve gravity, turbulence and, in some cases, magnetic fields (B-fields). But the connection between B-fields and SFR has never been observed. A comparison between the survey of SFR and a study of cloud-field alignment – which revealed a bimodal (parallel or perpendicular) alignment – shows that clouds with lower SFR per solar mass are tend to perpendicular to the B-fields. This might be an evidence of B-fields being a primary regulator of SFR. We used B-fields data from starlight method and 353 GHz dust thermal emission, which comes from by Planck mission’s all sky survey.
時間:2017.05.20(六) 15:30 ~ 15:45
地點:香港中文大學 科學館LT4
講者:GU Qilao